Monday, June 26, 2017

June in Review

Belonging and Contributing: We continued our study of different artists and some of us spent some time replicating their art.  As artists, we use several mediums to share our thinking.  While many students enjoy drawing, cutting and gluing, others can be seen painting or participating in dramatic arts.  We have seen several dances and puppet shows this month and we continue to hear the tunes from Annie.  We also sing several Michael Mitchell songs and had the privilege of seeing him perform at our school as part of our Canada 150 Celebration.  

Self-Regulation and Well-Being: As we prepare to move on to our next year in school, we have spent a lot of time discussing all of the strategies we use to get along at school.  Students are able to explain rules they think are of value and why we follow them.  They are also able to explain the different strategies they use when they are having difficulty focusing or listening.  We continue to talk about our feeling and we often discuss what we need or what we can provide others to help them when they are feeling a certain way. 

Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours: In language we have been working on retelling the relevant details of the story.  Many of us are able to independently communicate the characters, as well as the major events of the beginning, middle and end of a story.  We understand that books have authors who write the words and illustrators who draw the pictures.
Problem Solving and Innovating: This month in math we have been working on addition and subtraction.  We use manipulatives to show our thinking and talk about what we've found.  We have done many word problems, where we find the relevant information and solve using manipulatives to find the answer.  We have also been playing several math games!