Thursday, May 04, 2017

April in Review

Belonging and Contributing:  While celebrating Earth Day, we discussed ways in which we can care for and show respect for our environment.  We practised saving energy, recycling and picking up garbage to dispose of it properly.  We also learned about conserving water and several students made posters and wrote stories to share their ideas.  We began to learn about the different people and places that can be found in our community and we will continue to learn about their importance in the next week. 
Self-Regulation and Well-Being: This month we discussed our personal safety and our well-being.  We learned about germs and the importance of covering our mouths, washing our hands and using tissues.  We also learned about bicycle safety and basic road safety, including the importance of wearing seatbelts. 
Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours: This month we continued with identifying and creating symmetrical designs. We also discussed different patterns we see in our everyday lives, such as the days of the week, months of the year, or the repetition in their daily schedules.  We examined patterns in nature as well. In literacy, we worked on counting syllables, rhyming, and identifying the sounds we hear in words. 
Problem Solving and Innovating: Our students continue to build and create in our classroom and we are proud of their creativity!  This month we learned to sort and classify living and non-living things.  Specifically we looked at how living things usually grow, breath, eat and change.  We are able to identify several living and non-living things. 

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