This week we did a science experiment to see what would happen to a raw egg if placed in vinegar. We also put food colouring in one of the beakers to see what would happen. Our experiences are chronicled below:
Day 1:
Je pense que
l'oeuf va être rouge-Peyton
pense que la vinaigre va devenir rouge-Hayden
boules sortent parce que le vinaigre c'est sur l'oeuf et le bubbles come
out of it-
Madison R.
Maybe the egg is gonna crack
in the night-Hayden
pense que l'oeuf va devenir plus rouge- Peyton
deviennent plus grands-Aiden
They're going to get petit because the vinaigre is going to get them plus petit-Taylor
Je pense que the inside might turn rotten. The rouge one or it might be cooked because of the food colouring and the vinegar. -Hayden
They're going to get petit because the vinaigre is going to get them plus petit-Taylor
Je pense que the inside might turn rotten. The rouge one or it might be cooked because of the food colouring and the vinegar. -Hayden
colorante c'est sur l'oeuf- Kate
colorante c'est en haut et en bas-Hayden
Day 2:
Observations and Predictions
The glass with no food colouring:
Je vois la it was kind of bubbly at the top- Isabelle
Je vois I see bumpy things on the egg- Avery
L'oeuf est grand- Taylor
Je vois il y a les boules sur le oeuf- Kate
The glass with food colouring:
Je pense que l'oeuf a brisé dedans and it's going to be very gross and yucky- Peyton
Le vinaigre is gonna get the egg is going to crack inside-Hayden
It will grow bigger-Zackery
It's gonna pop open- Madison S.
Next we asked the students what would happen if we picked up the egg and the children shared their thoughts:
It will feel like sand- Jake
It's gonna feel like rotten. Stinky and soft- Isaac
It's gonna be squishy- Rowan
It's gonna be rouge and squishy- Teagan
We decided to wait until the next day to touch it.
Day 3:
Observations and Predictions:
Only the white egg was tested.
Comment se sent l'oeuf?
Squishy and soft - Isabelle
L'oeuf a grandi. - tout le monde
C'est quelle couleur?
It's covered in a peachy colour because of the vinegar -Peyton
Qu'est-ce qui va arriver si je le lave dans l'eau?
L'oeuf va tourner un petit peu blanc - Kate
Qu'est-ce qui va arriver si l'oeuf tombe sur la table?
It will explode. - Kevin
It will crack - Teagan
It will bounce - Isabelle
We tested it and it bounced on the table.
Day 4:
Looking at the eggs, Hayden observed that the white egg was "plus jaune".
When asked what would happen to the red one students said:
Il va sauter- Teagan
C'est la même-Hayden
What will happen when it's rinsed?
It's going to be like the other one-Mack
Answer: C'est rouge-Isabelle
It's soft-Olivia
It's squishy-Isaac
We decided to drop it on the table and the students made the following predictions:
I think it will bounce- Avery , Rowan, Isaac, Isabelle, Hayden, Aiden, Jake, Teagan, Zackery, Elena, Madison S.
It will break-Taylor, Kate, Madison R., Kevin, Hayden.
When dropped from a small height, it bounced.
From a little higher, it cracked.
Why did it break?
You had it tomber from trop haut-Kevin
It cracked on the table because the table was too hard-Isaac
Je pense que la table est hard et l'oeuf a brisé parce que c'est trop haut-Madison R.
Day 5:
C'était doux. It felt even softer than before. -Mme Mazzalonga
When a student tried to pick it up, it broke. The vinegar made the shell so thin that touching it made it pop. The shell did not stay in one piece like yesterday's egg, it was so thin that it just broke into pieces.
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