Friday, April 24, 2015

Lundi l'ari- George Seurat

This week we looked at the artwork of a French artist names Georges Seurat.  He used paint to make his artworks.  He used little dots of paint to make this beautiful pictures.  This is called pointillism Seurat would mix dots of paint to make new colours.  He put dots of blue and dots of yellow next to each other to make green.  When you look at the dots, your eyes mix the colours together.  

We used paint and Q-tips to make our own pointillism or dot art.  First, we drew a picture with a pencil, then we used the Q-tips as our brushes to outline and colour in our drawings with dots.


Un bonbon 

A bridge


A stuck lollipop 

Un bonbon

Un bonbon 
A lollipop

Un maison trapped
A trapped candy
Un bonbon 
A circle 
Un bonbon 
Un bonbon 
La boîte bleu et la boîte verte. 
Urn bonbon 
Montreal, Canada and Red Wings symbols

A boat

Earth week

In honour of Earth Day we did several activities!
On Tuesday we went outside to clean up the garbage in the school yard. It was very windy but still managed to pick-up a lot of garbage! We talked about the importance of not littering and we felt good about cleaning up our Earth.

On Wednesday we started off our day with a school wide Earth Day assembly. We then looked thought our class garbage can to see what was in there. We found out that some recyclable materials were in there and we discussed helping our friends remember to recycle. We also came up with the following list of ideas to help save our planet. 
1) bring less garbage or a garbage less lunch to school
2) the star of the day will turn out the lights whenever we aren't using them
3) we will use both sides of a piece of paper and we will start a "good on one side" bin for papers that can be reused
4) we will try to recycle and reuse materials whenever possible
5) many friends stressed the importance of not littering and keeping the Earth clean and healthy

Here we are looking though the contents of our garbage:

Below are pictures of our friends building with recycled materials.  We learned that it's important not only to reduce your garbage but also to reuse what you can!

Taylor made a computer

A telescope

The final product. A beautiful telescope. 

A police station with three jails 

A firefighter house

A drum! 
Wish list boxes
A monster truck

On Thursday we looked through our classroom recycle bins to see how we've been doing. 

We found a bit of plastic or aluminium looking wrappers that cannot be recycled.

We're pretty good at recycling paper! 

In the blue box we found some plastic cutlery. We learned that we can bring these home to reuse them after they are cleaned.

We discussed pulling off the non-recyclable parts of a container like this. 

We know that aluminium can go in the blue box.

Although this Harvest Fresh lid looks like aluminium, the woman from the recycle centre explained that it is actually cardboard and that it goes in the green/red bin. We tested the rule she taught us about always being able to rip things that go in the paper bin. This passed the test! 

Since food and liquids can go in the recycle bins, Mlle Paraschak emptied this juice box before returning it to the blue box. 

We are great recyclers! 

On Friday we looked at our lunches and discussed how much garbage was in them. Since reducing all waste is one of our class goals, we discussed the benefits of litter-less lunches. 

Teagan brought a garbage-less lunch today!  Bravo! 

Today we did some planting as a way to give back to our environment. We planted beans (haricots), lettuce (laitue) and Four O'Clocks (Belle-de-nuit) flowers. We will be monitoring their progress as they grow by drawing what we see and measuring the to see which one grows the fastest. 
We'll let you know how they grow!