Friday, April 17, 2015

3D Shapes-Part 2

This week we continued to work with 3D shapes in order to become more familiar with them.

We also leaned positional words by singing the following song:
Sur, sous, devant, derrière,
Devant, derrière,
Devant, derrière. 
Sur, sous, devant, derrière,
A côté de.  
Here Peyton is putting the baby on (sur) the chair.  

Below you can see us testing the shapes to see if they roll (roule) or slide (glisse) down the ramp.  

 The results:

Next we talked about the different 2D shapes that we see on our 3D figures.  We did this puzzle to help us figure it out!

Finally we played a back to back building game where we sat back to back and used our French vocabulary to name the shape and explain where to put it (sur, sous, à côté de, etc.). We liked this game a lot! 

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