Thursday, November 19, 2015

Living (vivant) and Non-Living (non vivant)

This week, we have been exploring a new science concept!  We have discussed things in our environment that are "vivant" (living) and "non vivant" (not living).  Our students brainstormed a list of characteristics that they thought described living and non living things.  As a class, we discussed 4 main characteristics that something has to have in order to be "vivant" (living).  

A living thing must:
1- bouge (move)
2- mange (eat)
3- respire (breathe)
4- grandit (grow)

We used a graph mat to sort pictures of living and non living things.

We sorted pictures of living and non living things using sorting rings.
Ask your child if the picture they chose was "vivant" or "non vivant".

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