Friday, November 06, 2015

Our Blog is BACK!

Hello parents and guardians!
Our blog is back!  For parents who are new to our blog, on the site you will find important dates, helpful web sites for the French Immersion Program, field trip information, and pictures of students learning, having fun, as well as much more. Please review this blog on a regular basis with your child as it is an important communication tool between home and school. We will update this site regularly with important information, unless technical issues keep us from doing so.
We hope you enjoy seeing what we are doing at school and we hope that you can use this blog as a conversation starter when discussing school with your child. 

You can ask them what they were doing in the photos, what they learned from a given activity and if they had fun!  Feel free to write to us with questions or comments regarding the blog.  We love to hear your feedback!

Don't forget to sign up for email alerts by adding your email address to the tab on the right.  You will receive an email when a new post goes up.  This is an automatic email so we will not have access to your email address if you choose to register. 

We are looking forward to a fantastic year of inquiry, discovery, learning, and growth.

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