Friday, May 01, 2015


This week we have been learning about measurement.  We started by comparing and ordering objects according to height and length.  We then moved into the investigation of non-standard units, such as our hands and our feet.  We learned that these are good ways to measure things but that my feet may be a different size than my friends which will result in a different count.

Below we are comparing heights.  We used the vocabulary grand (big), moyen, (medium) and petit (small) in our comparisons.
Here we are comparing heights:

Next we tried to find things that were bigger than this doll.  Some of our friends discovered that the object they found was the same size or smaller than the doll and that was discussed as well.  

Friends measuring each other with their feet:

A few students measured the carpet with their feet, then they compared their findings.  We discovered that it measured 18, 17 and 19 steps which were all very close numbers.  Below you can see Kevin showing everyone how you must measure heal to toe to ensure accuracy in your measurement.  

Next we measured with our hands.  We compared teachers hands to students hands.  When measuring the table pictured below, the teachers both measured 4 hands while the students both measured 6 hands.  We discussed how using similar sized units of measurement is helpful.  

Students measured all kinds of things in the classroom!

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