Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Science City

 On Tuesday June 9 we went on a field trip to Science City.  They were able to explore several different activities and had so much fun!  A huge thank you to our parent volunteers; Mrs. McFarlane, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Simard, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Hurley.

Our students are taking a peek at several different fish and a family of turtles in the pond.
 "Everybody was looking at the fishies and the turtles" - Audrina 
 Our guide for the day, Dr. Bill
 Talking about what fossils are and how they still remain in the world today.
 Fossils that were found over 30 years ago in our city.
The fossil pit where the students were able to dig for fossils.  Each student was able to bring one fossil home that they found.
 "We were digging. I found some shells." - Kate
 "I'm digging in the sand 'cause I'm looking for shells." - Taylor
 "That's me.  I have a shell." - Olivia
 "I'm picking up some sea shells." - Avery
 "I'm digging for a dinosaur." - Hayden
Next, we made our way into a room that had many different science experiments which the students could engage in.

Here they see how water can be recycled - from the pond, up through a tube which then allows it to flow again.

Students made this big ball in the water moved.  We were told that it weighs thousands of pounds.
"Je roule la boule." - Madison R.
 "Je tourne la boule." - Kate
 All the different planets were hung from the ceiling to show how the solar system looks in space.
 A small version of the Ambassador Bridge.
 Below you will see all our students having a fun interacting with each other and all the different science experiments.
"I'm lifting a weight." - Mack

 "Je joue avec le sphère." - Kevin
 "I'm exercising on the bike." - Hayden
 "One side is going fast when I turn it and the other side is going slow when I turn it." - Hayden

 "I was pulling the weight." - Rowan

 "I was trying to read something on the paper 'cause I wanted to see what was in that box." - Aiden

 "I was putting my hands on that and when I took my hands off my hands were on it 'cause I pushed really hard." - Isaac

"I was hanging on a mirror." - Kevin

 "I was dancing.  I could see my shadow on the wall." - Jake

 It's bubble time!  Most of our students and even our parents were put into one big bubble.

Our next activity we made flubber.  Flubber consists of; hot water, glue, food colouring (any colour will do) and borax that is diluted with warm water.

 "We got to make some goo (flubber) and bring it home to play with." - Madison S.
They learned a little about gravity while experimenting with different balls.  With the use of a basketball, ping-pong ball and golf balls the students were shown how all the balls will hit the ground at the same time (no matter how heavy or light they are) when dropped from the same height.

 Two students take a try seeing which ball is easy to move when you blow behind it.  We found that the ping-pong ball will move much faster then the golf ball.
"Were were blowing to see which one is faster." - Isaac
Here, students are learning about oxygen.  How air can keep water in a class with a lid suctioned to the bottom.
 Students gave a huge effort trying to pull two suction circles apart.  Once adding a little oxygen to them it's very easy to pull apart but without the oxygen it's much harder.
"I'm pulling with Audrina." - Kate
 "I'm pulling the magnet." - Isabelle

 "I'm trying to pull them apart." - Hayden
Lastly we were given a chance to explore the different fish and reptiles Science City had on display.

Some big fish
An iguana  
 Dr. Bill took one of the snakes out to show the students.
"I'm looking at a snake." - Teagan
Some of them touched him.
"I'm touching the snake." - Teagan 
A boa-constrictor 
Just like snakes, spiders can shed too.  Here you can see the skins of spiders that were shed.
A coral ref was re-created for the students to explore and see what under water life can look like.

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