Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Construire un monstre

Today we made our own monsters.  We used the legend below and a dice to help us decide what to add to our monster.  Some of us are working on recognizing quantities without having to count while others are working on their French counting skills with one-to-one correspondence.   First we rolled the dice. Then we checked the legend below to see what body part corresponds to the number we rolled.  Next we added that body part to our monster.  After doing this activity as a class, many students were inspired to make their own monster.  All of our monsters turned out differently since we didn't always roll the same numbers.  We had a lot of fun!  Ask your child if they'd like to play this game at home with you.  Feel free to send in your monster from home to add to our scary monster wall!

Nos monstres (Our Monsters)
Our class monster has: 1 jambe, 8 bras, 2 têtes, 3 yeux, 7 nez et 1 bouche.  

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