Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin Investigation

Today, we investigated what is inside a pumpkin.  We made predictions about what it would look and feel like, then we cut it open.  We got to empty and play with the gooey insides.  We also pulled out the seeds and put them in a separate plastic bag for later. Some of our friends thought that maybe we should cook them.  Many of the photos were taken by Kate, Peyton and Hayden.  

Our Predictions:
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans une citrouille?
-les graines-Kevin
-it's wet (mouiller) inside (à l'intérieur)-Isabelle
-c'est orange à l'intérieur et les graines sont blanches-Kate

Once the students started sticking their hands in the pumpkin, we heard a lot of "oh,  that's grose!" and "Yuck!"

Our conclusions:
All of our predictions were right.  Also:
-it was smushy-Kate
-it was slimy-Isabelle
-it's really gucky-Mack
-there's seeds in it -Zackery & Teagan
-the gunk was hard to pull out -Owen
-it's wet inside -Jake
-it dries up when you leave the pumpkin alone -Hayden
-it feels like slime inside- Peyton
-the pieces look like strings- Kevin

Les graines

Next we took a vote to decide what shapes we should use for the face of our pumpkin.  

The results:
Les yeux-un triangle
Le nez- un carré
La bouche: Les dents carrés

 Madison suggested we add a tail.  She  made a plan a drew what it should look like, then Mlle Paraschak carved it with the knife.  We discussed that for safety reasons Mlle Paraschak was the one who used the knife so that no one gets hurt at school.  Safety is a part of our Kindergarten curriculum too!

 We made the room dark and used a flash light to see what our pumpkin looks like at night.   

We followed up this fun activity with a Halloween dance party.  We listened to our C'est l'halloween song (see song tab for YouTube video) and sang and danced along.  It was a lot of fun!

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